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It is plastic and stripped almost immediately so I had to finish tightening it with some needle nose pliers. That was pretty difficult. Here is a huge pro, and ultimately why I chose SkyBell over the competition. Once you buy your product they provide you with free video storage and unlimited free downloads. No subscription fees!Ring, among others, cost about the same and then you are stuck paying a subscription to be able to use your new expensive hardware. The last pro I can think of is the product looks really good.

Posted March, 2011 by Admin

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house alarm

The last pro I can think of is the product looks really good. Cons:Easiest con to explain, is the speaker quality is mediocre. It gets the job done though. SkyBell's top priority is iOS. When they add a new feature or fix iOS gets it quite a bit in advance. For example, the iOS app has had the ability to adjust the motion sensor for weeks and it still hasn't made it to Android. I couldn't even activate it on my phone Moto X Pure 2015, I had to use a Galaxy S7 to sync it. While we are on motion sensitivity, out of the box the motion sensor is way too sensitive. There website says if someone lingers by the door for 10 seconds before sending you a push notification. But as soon as we were stepping out of the door it would go off. Both our original and replacement unit had this issue.

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We had some issues during our nighttime tests – as objects close to the camera were washed out by the LED – but nothing that would be a deal breaker for most home security scenarios.

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Posted February, 2011 by Admin

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